About the only time it is okay for one guy to touch another guy on the butt is when you are playing sports. When butt slapping takes place in various sports guys just know that it means 'good game'. There is no other underlying message.
It's obvious to even the most casual observer that I am not a player in the NBA and therefore do not merit a butt slap. Especially one that comes from the ref. Not just any ref, Joey Crawford.
During timeouts at the game tonight I was assigned to take stats out to the scorers table and the opposing team bench. During one time out in the second quarter I happened to be walking past Joey Crawford as he was talking to someone at the table. It was a coincidence that as I walked by he was turning away from the table. We kind of made that quick 'how are you' eye contact, and I kept on my path just barely missing any sort of collision. It was perfect synchronization. Milliseconds later, out of nowhere, I felt a quick slap across my posterior.
I was shocked! THE Joey Crawford, THE head ref, right in front of an arena full of people slapped my butt.
When out on the floor I try to stay as invisible as possible. I try not to trip on the TV cords or run into players. I work especially hard not to fall on my face over nothing. The last thing I need is attention drawn to me because the ref took particular interest in my rear. I was embarrassed.
The worst part about it was that when I returned to the press room at half time some of the PR guys were poking fun at me. They actually thought it was kind of cool. I kind of thought 'I wonder how much I can get out of a lawsuit?' Larry H. does not take kindly to sexual harassment. I am sure the league doesn't either. After my initial shock I think it is pretty cool too. How many people can make that claim?
List of cool things:
Met David Beckham
Had NBA ref Joey Crawford slap my bum
Now if I could only get David Beckham to give me a 'good game'. That is a real claim to fame!
I mean come on, who can resist the backside of this machine?
* holds his tongue *
hahahahahaha!!!! love it.
Impressive...my next goal would be to get David Beckham to slap my rear end!
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