Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Extreme Blog Makeover

Right now I am at a crossroads with my blog. I finished my degree, and I am very proud to report that the final semester did not kill me. The issue that has arisen now is the fact that my blog needs a new identity. I am talking a full on makeover. This is where I need everyone's help. I am going to call it Extreme Blog Makeover.

For the next couple of days I would like to hear some suggestions. I know that everyone else already has a blog that they manage, but if you think about it this could be fun. Slowly but surely you will get to see the transformation of this blog.

First changes:

What can I name my blog?
What do people really hope to find in a blog?

Let's start there. Let the changes begin.


Silus Grok said...

"After the Final Semester" or "After School Special"?

As for what we want… well, we want stories and insights and pictures. Not necessarily in that order.

And I want a pony.

Meghan said...

Whatever you do, just keep blogging.